This is Margaret, a long time Her Smile client, after years of not focusing on herself, she decided to change that!
Margret is a mother of two boys with special needs.
"One day I decided to weigh myself, something I did not do often. I have never been very conscious of my weight. I was very surprised to see the numbers back at me. I had not been this heavy since carrying a baby 20 years ago.
I had got into a bad rut and was not making good food choices, exercising or even prioritising myself. If I passed a reflection in the mirror, I would look the other way. I suppose I saw myself as a mom and that was my title.
I always saw myself still as this younger person, but one day I saw a photo of myself and I thought, no, I don't want to be 50, fat and frumpy, I want to be 50 and fabulous!
I signed up to Her Smile’s 10 day challenge, Personal Training, Wardrobe Make Over and Make up Personal Tutorial - it was time to put me first.
I had to learn to find the time to prioritize myself. I've never been a gym person, but once I got into the flow of it, it was something that worked for me. I've learned more about how the food and the exercise work together.
I've found it has really helped me become a calmer person at home and we are now on time and more organized.
I was always putting the boys first, never considering my needs, never making time for myself. Before I began the Her Smile programs I was sluggish, with no energy or drive in me.
I then started to see the kilos come off and how much better I was feeling inside and out, and I was being noticed for my weight loss achievements.
Adele’s message of making me a priority finally sunk in.
I remember the day when Adele gave me the pelvic floor education. That was a real breakthrough for me. It has stuck with me, and it's something that I work on.
I did the Her Smile 30 days to a Revamped Wardrobe and the Her Smile Unique Colour Analysis. Adele noticed that all of my shirts were hung inside out. Every time I had to put one on I had to physically turn it in the right way and that I had a fetish for stripes!
I had no real concept of how things looked together. At that stage in my life, I chose to wear everything loose. I didn't really want definition.
When I look at the ‘Before’ photo of me in the red dress, I go wow, was that me? I didn't see that. It was just me. I wasn't dissatisfied with it, but Her Smile made me a better version of myself.
I learned so much from the Her Smile Makeup Tutorial. I always avoided looking at myself in the mirror, so looking at my face and then learning the shape of my face and how to make that up to be more stylish, and not look as though I am wearing too much. I've never been a makeup person. Adele taught me how to use makeup to look fresh and not look like an old lady. Be natural and where to put the product. I found it very informative, it was a good learning experience.
I did the Her Smile Skincare education. I just grew up with what my mother did, using products from the chemist. I had no understanding of a toner, a cleanser or anything like that. I’ve enjoyed Adele’s ongoing education.
My advice for other women is that it's never too late to start, and don't think you're going to get it all right in one go. As soon as you start to see the smallest amount of weight loss, everything changes. It becomes a positive to which then you see yourself as a female and you think, now what about my clothing? What about my skin? What about my makeup?
Now when I see women with painted nails, I see that they've made an effort towards themselves. They want people to see them in that light, and for me it has become an inward duty that I'm going to make the best of who I am.
People have noticed the difference in me now, and that is totally because I'm making myself a priority. I wish I had started earlier!
Her Smile has certainly helped me discover my smile. It took me a long time, that's where everyone's journey is different, but I did it.
Her Smile made me aware that I'm a person and it's okay to make time for me."
"Thanks Adele for believing in me, pushing me, educating me and weekly kicking my butt!"